F-WHEEL D3F electric bike review: a compact and portable ebike for city riding

dyu d3f 電動自転車 エクスプロイト e バイク


F-WHEEL is an International electric bike company specializing in compact electric bikes. And the company’s products may look pretty quirky, but are their designs just gimmicks to lure you in, or are they worth your time and money?

In this F-WHEEL Electric Bike Review, we will take a close look at the D3F, the popular flagship model. You’ll learn all about what it’s for, what it’s like to ride, and its specifications so you can decide if this is the right electric bike for you.


What Is The F-WHEEL D3F Electric Bike?


D3F は、小さな車輪を備えたコンパクトで軽量な電動自転車です。人目を引く外観と信じられないほどのコンパクトさにより、市場に出回っている他の電動自転車とは異なります。

It is aimed at people who want a fun and convenient way of getting around but only on paved roads. You definitely won’t see a D3F on the mountain bike trails, but you may see it on public transport or being unpacked from people’s cars while on day trips.


 D3F Bike Cost

There are other E-Bikes, but for the purpose of this review, we’re focusing on the popular D3F model. With that said, we’ve drawn together a quick table along with pricing to give you a better idea of the USA E-bike range and cost.


F-WHEEL D3F Purchase Options




  • 自転車(上記料金の自転車のみ)
  • 約 $40 ドルでロックを追加
  • バスケットを追加すると、約 $60 ドルが追加されます
  • または、自転車とバスケットを追加して合計 $613 ドル



F-WHEEL D3F Features And First Impressions





The frame is designed to make mounting and dismounting the D3F effortless, and it has a handle integrated into it. This makes it easy to move around and is an excellent place to run a lock through for security.



Another sign that F-WHEEL is confident that the D3F is to be used as a legitimate form of transport is waterproofing. They have made this electric bike IP54, which means it’s protected against contamination from limited amounts of dust and water spray in any direction. So, you can ride it in the rain, but don’t clean it with a pressure washer or ride through a ford.




モーターは 250W で、後輪ハブに取り付けられています。最高速度は時速15.5マイル。これはそれほどパンチの効いたものではないように思えるかもしれませんが、このような電動自転車に乗りたいと思うほどの速さです。

フレーム内の曲線的な形状は、36V 10 Ah リチウム イオン バッテリーを収納するボックスです。これは、0 から 100% まで充電するのに 5 から 6 時間かかり、スロットル モードで 15 から 35 マイル、ペダル アシストを使用して 30 から 37 マイルの範囲を提供します。ただし、範囲は、体重、旅のプロファイル、乗り方によって大きく異なります.

Here are some articles on ebike batteries that can help you know what you need from the F-WHEEL:

How The F-WHEEL D3F Rides


250Wの小さなモーターでも、小さなD3Fの加速には驚くことでしょう。平らな面を簡単に疾走し、時速 10 マイルは心地よく快適に感じるので、頻繁に最高速度を出す必要がないことに気付くかもしれません。


The compactness makes the D3F quite wobbly. This is why we said the top speed of 15.5 mph is fast enough. However, the small wheels give this bike low gearing, making climbing small hills surprisingly spritely. Still, you may want to avoid cobbles and potholes, as they will feel much larger than they would on an electric bike with larger wheels.

数回のライドの後、D3F を最大限に活用する方法を学び、機敏なハンドリングとタイトな回転サークルを楽しみ始めます。

Most bikes of this type only have a throttle or pedal assist, So you will like that you can ride D3F either on the throttle or while pedaling.





The display on the D3F has a clean and simple look. The screen is easy to see and read, even in direct sunlight, and it features intuitive controls. There’s a button located on the left to switch the bike on, while the right-hand button switches the cadence sensor on and off.



How Easy Is The D3F To Live With?


Most people will buy a D3F for its compactness and portability. This bike becomes more compact when you drop the handlebars allowing you to squeeze it into tight spaces, helped by the integrated handle.


D3Fにカーゴラックを追加することもできます。これは 45kg を運ぶのに十分な強度がありますが、重量が増えるとバイクの航続距離が短くなることを覚えておいてください。

The D3F’s ease of use starts when it arrives. Due to its small size, DYU doesn’t have to break it down into a thousand pieces to ship. The result is a fast assembly that should have you riding in no less than 10 minutes, as long as your battery is charged.





It’s refreshing to see that F-WHEEL has fitted the D3F with mechanical disc brakes. Hydraulic disc brakes would be overkill on a bike like this, but these mechanical items provide plenty of stopping power and are much safer than rim brakes, especially in wet weather.


D3F のヘッドライトは適度に明るいため、暗い場所ではかなり優れています。ただし、夜間に多くのライディングを行う場合は、ハンドルバーに明るいものを追加したり、ヘルメットに取り付けたりすることをお勧めします.暗い道を走るときの安全性を高めるテールライトもありますが、これは電池式で、自分で取り付ける必要があります。



What We Don’t Like About The D3F


To ensure we give you a balanced F-WHEEL electric bike review, we need to talk about the negatives and disadvantages of the D3F. To be honest, there’s not much more to add, but it’s worth emphasizing the shortfalls.


バイクの短いホイールベースと小さなホイールによる安定性の欠如には、慣れるまでに時間がかかります。そのため、神経質なライダーや初心者のライダーは、D3F を所有し始めたばかりの頃は扱いにくいと感じるかもしれません。ただし、この電動自転車に慣れると、この電動自転車がとても楽しいことに気付くでしょう。


Our Verdict Of The D3F Electric Bike


To conclude our electric bike review, we’ll summarize our findings. The D3F is an incredibly fun electric bike to ride once you’ve got used to its wobbly handling. Even though the D3F has a small motor, you’ll find the little kick of torque when accelerating entertaining every time you ride.


We like the look and design of the D3F, as it offers something different and fun from traditional electric bikes. Although, you’ll need to get used to turning heads as you ride.





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