دليل شراء دراجات DYU الذكية

سكوتر كهربائي DYU S3

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Where / How to buy F-wheel DYU
electric bike & e scooter?

Many customers who want to buy DYU smart bike at retail price for fast delivery may ask that question.
That’s a practical question to approach the exquisite F-wheel electric vehicles.
So, how to buy F-wheel e-bikes & e-scooters? Here comes the answer.

Buy it on this website or DYU official store

There are all kinds of contact means including filling out a contact form (there is a contact form below, it’s also ok to fill it on the contact page), email, telephone, hotline, Whatsapp, online consulting(click the button on the right of this page bottom and chat with our service personnel online), and address to meet the all needs of our dear customer. Or just leave your email or telephone and tell us when you are free, we will contact you on time and give you the best respond and solution.

Because we are factory directly selling and mainly orient to wholesale resellers, our selling method is kind of different to those online detailing shops like Amazon and eBay. The right procedure to get your brand new posh DYU e bikes & e scooters is: 1, Leave us a message. 2, Get the detailed information sent from our sales manager about the vehicle through the contacting means you left or through the online support consulting. 3, Pay for the product with the way you like,L/C , T/T, D/P, D/A and PayPal are all ok. 4, Wait for the product to come to you in few days. 5, Enjoy the after-sales service.

Also, you can buy a few samples without contacting us. That is, buy DYU smart electric bikes samples at DYU retail store directly with Paypal – the fastest way of acquiring the DYU e bicycle samples.

DYU retail store

Buy it on Alibaba

We are a member of Alibaba: DYU Alibaba official site.

Buy it on eBay

Our dear resellers may have put some products on it.

Buy it on Amazon

We have some products on Amazon, it will facilitate you in this way.

Buy it on JD Mall

If you’re in China, you can buy the products on JD. (China Customers Only)

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DYU V8 20 بوصة 48V 750W 45KM / H 15.5AH دراجة كهربائية

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